Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Welcome to Bangs and Pangs!

Hello there all you lovelies and lovelas quartering in on the clock. Six months shy from 25, I completely understand your agonies.
Excuse me gentlemen, if you however find my struggles women-oriented. Nevertheless, I'm quite certain that you would still find them relatable to the pains of your lady friends if not yours and needless to say a catharsis on the same would surely be entertaining for your kind.

So to begin with I'd say it's rather optimistic to consider 25 as a quarter of a life, don't you think? But what the hell, I consider myself a cynical optimist, so let's continue hoping for a century keeping in mind all the shit we'll have to deal with in the process.

As for a little bit about me and why I am here; I recently joined an MNC in the first quarter of this year and freshly out of a colourful post graduate life, the transition to the first full-time job and life as a corporate official hasn't been particularly hunky-dory. But you probably figured that out considering I titled the blog a 'crisis'. Don't get me wrong, I love my job! (And no, I'm not just saying that because this is a public forum!) Its what happens after work and around work that gets in there a little, if you know what I mean and sure as hell, since you're here, you would!
This is my second attempt at blogging. I used to be a regular creative-writing blogger who used to go by the name of 'Enchanta' on The Enchanted Sigil (locked for only private viewing as of now) for quite some years and had gathered a modest acclaim. However, over time, my evolution as a writer and a full-fledged adult (still coping with accepting that by the way) has made me choose to keep that blog in my past. I would however love to share some of the favourited posts from back then on this platform from time to time.

Anyway, I can't think of any more introductory statements to welcome you all to join this bandwagon. Here's looking forward to brand new revelations of growing up and getting accustomed to these whole new responsible versions of the children that we all are at heart.
Enjoy your stay here. I for sure can't wait to ramble on and eat your brains out.Yay!

PS: Also if  you're wondering what the URL is all about, it's quite simple actually. I have bangs and I got pangs. <Insert creepy ha-ha-ha>